Murano Glass Jewelry

Every bead contains history, and research in colour and product potential that gives life to a gem which interprets the past and transforms it into the present.

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Photo by  Jason Kitching
Photo by Jason Kitching

About US

Perlamadredesign was created in 2008 thanks to the collaboration between Simona Iacovazzi, from Salento and Evelina Pescarolo, Venetian, both committed to the restoration of their cultural heritage. From restoration to artisans via self-produced design. From the planning stage to the ready-to-wear final product. Perlamadredesign’s creations are born from Simona’s excellence in working Venetian glass using the traditional lampwork technique. The entire production process is performed in Venice with its closely-guarded glass-making secrets. Every bead contains history, and careful research in colour and product potential that gives life to a gem which interprets the past and transforms it into the present. Creations which reflect the Made in Italy concept and its desire to rediscover the role of the artisan and local design.

Simona Iacovazzi, Evelina Pescarolo



Murano Glass Jewelry

Lampwork Workshop & visits with demonstration

Become a “perlera” for a day! In two hours Simona makes you experience the magic of Murano’s glass lampworking, she tells you the story of Venetian beads and shows you some techniques. You will be then able to make your first bead that will be sent to your home very soon.

Cost € 100
90 minutes
Individual course

Cost  €30
From 1 to 5 partecipants
€ 6 each additional person
30 minutes
Max 10/12 people


La ricerca e la sperimentazione di Simona Iacovazzi, si cristallizzano in questi nuovi oggetti d’arte, che racchiudono in se un aspetto della narrazione della storia dei fondali e delle isole scomparse della laguna.

La designer analizza, monta e accosta diverse declinazioni di forme e colori richiamando geografie oniriche, paesaggi immaginari ed ecosistemi surreali, dando vita ad atlanti sottomarini unici e irripetibili, come ogni singolo centimetro del fondo della laguna.   Simona accompagna, infatti, l’osservatore nella sua intima e personale laguna, in cui si perderà nella contemplazione di un passato da raccontare nascosto sotto strati di storia sedimentata.   L’artista colloca queste opere in un progetto di riuso di vetri e perle della sua produzione, non utilizzati nella creazione di gioielli ma divenuti parte di frammenti di un paesaggio “realmente” fantastico


Simona Iacovazzi’s research and experimentation crystallize in these new art objects, containing a historical narrative of the seabed and the disappeared islands of the lagoon.

The designer analyzes, assembles, and combines different shapes and colors, recalling dreamlike geographies, imaginary landscapes, and surreal ecosystems. Her work gives life to unique and unrepeatable underwater atlases, like every single centimeter of the lagoon bottom.
Simona accompanies the observer in her inner and personal lagoon, where she loses herself in the contemplation of a past to be told – hidden under layers of sedimented history. The artist places these works in a project of reuse of glass and pearls of his production, not used in the making of jewels but which are now fragments of an “actually” fantastic landscape.


Call or Write Us

Tel. 0039 340 8449112

Visit Atelier

Dorsoduro, 3282
Calledel fabro
30123 Venezia, Italy

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